Fantasy Art Links
The Art of Brad Allison is awesome!
Brad Allison`s Age of Dreaming : a MAGIC the gathering CCG deck.
Check out a Master of Fantasy : Michael Whelan
Kenny and Ruth have tons of beautiful artwork.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Otik`s AD&D pages is a swell place to start.
The Great Netbook Archive has everything a player or DM could ever need.
Click here to link to an AD&D 5-7th level adventure, authored by Ray A. Reaux.
Necronomicon has adventure modules, and magic items set in the Fallen Land.
Quantha`s Dragonlance and more page.
Just for FUN
`WEIRD AL` Yankovic, the greatest comedic musical artist in the universe!!!!!!
The PEZ Museum fun for all ages.
Floaty Pens are SO KEWL.
The Beary Patch is the place all the teddies go to have fun.
VW New Beetle. The beetle-bug has bit me.